
Trust Services

By setting up a Trust Account now, you can assure your money will be invested wisely and will be handled in the way that you intended. A Trust can relieve your survivors of tax burdens and can ensure their financial security for the future.

With current tax laws, estates can be taxed at a 35% rate. Establishing a trust account for your assets can alleviate this burden from your survivors, as well as avoiding months of legal proceedings, and protecting your family's privacy.

The Trust Department will protect your wishes and the intentions of your estate. Trusts can be set up in a number of ways, from a Charitable Trust to a Trust IRA. The Trust Department can be named Executor/Administrator of your will and can handle all of the affairs that arise. A Trust can provide for a surviving spouse and/or children for their lifetime as you direct. The financial decisions may be left up to the discretion of the bank, or the survivors, depending on your wishes.

A Trust Account is not limited to cash assets, stocks and bonds. Your trust account may include farms, real estate, and even businesses. You can be confident that your hard-earned assets will be secure for your survivors.

How do I get started?

Our helpful Trust Department personnel are always happy to meet with you to discuss your options. Once you have analyzed your choices and have made a decision as to which direction you wish your assets to take, arrange a meeting with legal counsel. Your attorney should devise a trust agreement and a will that will work together to secure your intentions.

Once the Trust Department has the proper documentation, we can begin setting up your Trust Account. We work very closely with your attorney and accountant to achieve a common goal - financial security for you and your loved ones.

Investment products are not FDIC-insured and are neither obligations of, nor guaranteed by Havana National Bank. Products may be subject to risk including market fluctuation and possible loss of principal.

Trust Accounts Available

  • Agent and Power of Attorney Appointments
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Living Trusts
  • Testamentary Trusts
  • Insurance Trusts
  • Land Trusts
  • Guardianships
  • Estates
  • Trust IRA's
  • Drainage District Treasurer
  • Farm Management


McFarland Charitable Foundation(Nursing)

McFarland Medical Foundation (Doctors, Nurse Practitioner, X-Ray, Physical Therapist)

*These foundations were established in perpetual trusts by local businessman William E. McFarland. The primary purpose of these foundation is to improve health care service in the Havana, Illinois area by providing scholarships to qualified students. The students must agree to return to the Havana area to serve in the profession two years for each year funding is received.

Contact: Nancy Elliott at 309-543-3361